Virtual Reality

 Virtual worlds are web 2.0 tools which enable users to interact with each other in virtual worlds, through avatars. Computers are used to access virtual worlds where people create content or interact with what is in the stimulated environment. A lot of virtual worlds allow multiple users to connect to the stimulated environment, therefore, people from all over the world can easily interact with each other through their avatars. 

Virtual Reality can easily be used for education. Teachers can connect to virtual worlds with their students and let them interact with the environment while learning about what is to be learnerd. For example, second life is a virtual world that can be used for this purpose. For English lessons, students can engage in real-life communication in these virtual worlds. Nevertheless, virtual reality can be easily used for any lesson and any topic.

Education in Virtual Worlds

As an example, you can see a lesson in second life; Second Life for English
