
Mart, 2021 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

TPACK Model & SAMR Model Mind Maps

  TPACK Model Mind Map; TPACK Model is the intersaction of CK, PK and TK. It is the understanding of how tools can enhance our teaching and support student learning more deeply and effectively. Content Knowledge: The understanding and the expertise of the subject area that is being taught. Pedagogical Knowledge: The expert knowledge of the art and science of teaching. Technological Knowledge: The knowledge about the tools and how to select, use and integrate technology into the curriculum.  Technological-Pedagogical Knowledge: The understanding of how to choose and manage technology for students Pedagogical-Content Knowledge:  How to effectively engage students in learning concepts and skills. Technological-Content Knowledge:  How technology is used in a subject area for deep and lasting learning  SAMR Model Mind Map; SAMR Model helps accomplish goals by re-examining the practice to make the best use of technology. It divides into two branches; Transformation an...